Deep Dish Blog


How to Evaluate a Digital Marketing Agency

Two hands holding apples one of which looks poisoned

Choosing the best digital marketing agency:

I started Deep Dish Digital in 2010 and at that time there were very few digital marketing agencies. Since then there has been an explosion of marketing agencies claiming to be digital specialists and the landscape has become cluttered. Not all digital marketing agencies are created equal, so here's some things to evaluate when determining what agency will best meet your needs.

Social media does not equal digital marketing

There is a misconception that creating social media is the foundation of digital marketing. On the contrary, social media is just ONE component of digital marketing. Social media is useful for distributing content, but does not address other important components such as a functional website, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, conversion optimization, and attribution measurement. If an agency only specializes in social media content they likely won't be good at the other components which are arguably more important.

Young companies have limited experience

Many digital marketing agencies have not been around long and are often staffed with relatively new graduates. Digital marketing does require a skill set more native amongst younger generations who grew up with the internet, but that does not necessarily mean they have a complete digital marketing understanding. To use a metaphor, most people can drive a car but only a few know how to drive race cars. Experience matters so research the background of the individuals working for the agency you're considering.

Digital marketing is overwhelmingly technical

The industry changes fast and web applications evolve every week, so no digital marketing agency can be an "expert" in all matters. The better agencies have staff with technical backgrounds who understand website coding, search optimization, advertising configuration, user experience, and analytics tracking. Nice design and witty copy are nothing without cold-hard technical skills. If an agency doesn't have technical skills then they're not true digital marketers.

Beware of those that muddy the waters to appear deep

Agencies that use an excessive amount of industry jargon and make claims of proprietary technology should be approached with caution. Most digital marketing agencies are using similar tech stacks: Website CMS, Meta, Google, Email, and perhaps a marketing automation tool. Ask your agency what their marketing tech stack is and if they give an opaque answer, then don't go in the water.

If your organization needs digital marketing, we're glad to help. Deep Dish Digital always looks out for the best interest of clients even if that means referring them to somebody better suited. You can contact us by sending an email or calling 306-229-9437.


Harley Rivet - Blog Author - Deep Dish Digital


I know what you’re thinking – “What can a guy from Saskatoon know about online marketing? Also, that picture is a bit self-indulgent, buddy.”

But, just give me a chance. I’ve been working in the online space for twenty years, and promise the articles you find here aim to be informative and entertaining.