Deep Dish Blog


Impact of the Web: Power To The Online People!

Business to Business Marketing Keep this infographic in mind next time you log on, because knowledge is power — and a little knowledge goes a long way in the Internet Age. Find out how the web has had a significant impact on recent world events. It's definitely given power to the people. This graphic is courtesy of

The Seven Step Digital Marketing Plan
There's a good chance your customers are getting most of thier information online regardless if it's for products, services, health, relationships, politics, or entertainment. But, are you still spending most of your marketing dollars on print, billboards, and trade shows? Old habits are tough to change so here is a seven step digital marketing plan to help guide the way.
The Secrets of Business to Business Marketing

Business to Business Marketing When it comes to business-to-business marketing, prospective clients are primarily concerned with making money or saving money and want to do so in a way that mitigates risk as much as possible. They value expertise, track record, and product knowledge far more than the brand your represent. Once you understand this there are some specific marketing tactics to use when trying to attract business clients.

Roll With It Or Get Rolled Over: A Web Manifesto
Even if the web is not the primary channel for engaging your audience it needs to be part of it. You definitely need to meet the needs of your current market but what will those needs be in a year or two? Your customers are the source of any market strategy and right now their telling you that if you're not rolling with them you'll be rolled over.


Harley Rivet - Blog Author - Deep Dish Digital


I know what you’re thinking – What can a guy from Saskatoon know about digital marketing?

I’ve been working in the online space for twenty years, and promise the articles you find here aim to be informative and entertaining.