Deep Dish Blog


Top Three Branded Viral Videos From July

Here are the top three branded viral videos from July 2011. They have all had millions of views; it's interesting to ponder what makes things go viral? Chimpanzee with Ak-47 (Twentieth Century Fox) Crazy Marriage Proposal (Neuro Water) 2D Photography Rube Goldberg

Marketing Lessons From The Sheepdogs
Unless you don't listen to music or never heard of Rolling Stone magazine then you've probably heard about the recent success of Saskatoon band The Sheepdogs. The boogie rock revivalists beat out 15 other bands in an online contest put on by Rolling Stone magazine to earn the honour of having their faces on the cover of the August 18th issue along with a contract with Atlantic Records...
Customer Experience Kicks Advertising’s Ass
A terrific infographic that showcases how customer experience and word of mouth are far superior to advertising when generating trust and purchase intent...
The Biggest Mistake Marketers Make
Leads, leads, leads and more leads. The thing marketers are graded upon more so than any other is their ability to generate leads. What about branding you say? I like a well designed marketing piece as much as the next guy but branding is a lot of bullshit. A company's customer experience is what makes a brand and how do you get customers? By generating leads. Unfortunately, there is...


Harley Rivet - Blog Author - Deep Dish Digital


I know what you’re thinking – What can a guy from Saskatoon know about digital marketing?

I’ve been working in the online space for twenty years, and promise the articles you find here aim to be informative and entertaining.