Deep Dish Blog


Three Creative Ways To Boost Website Traffic
Increasing website traffic in return for leads or user action is the ultimate goal of any digital marketing strategy. There are a number of ways this can be achieved but if you're like me you probably have limited resources and want the most bang for your buck. Below are three tactics that will deliver increased website traffic...
Five Tips For Using LinkedIn
In the past ten months my activities on LinkedIn have resulted in a new client, a speaking opportunity, a job offer, and introduced me to other marketing professionals that ultimately led to the formation of a local marketing association.  Along the way I've learned some best practices that I've implemented into my LinkedIn Profile activities - Here are five of the best tips...
What’s Your Social Voice? Blab or Fab.

"Just be yourself unless you're an idiot" - Unknown.  The web used to be an anonymous place where people could hide behind strange pseudonyms like EggHead or Pixy186 and privacy of identity was taken very seriously. The anonymity allowed a lot of people to post comments and say things they would never have the gall to do if they were face to face...

The Three Biggest Marketing Mistakes

Marketing is a field of trial and error. Sure, there are some academic principles regarding how a business needs to organize itself to have a market orientation, but by and large it involves trying things, measuring, modifying, and trying again. Sooner or later something works and you stick with it...


Harley Rivet - Blog Author - Deep Dish Digital


I know what you’re thinking – What can a guy from Saskatoon know about digital marketing?

I’ve been working in the online space for twenty years, and promise the articles you find here aim to be informative and entertaining.