Deep Dish Blog


Is it New or Better? Know The Difference.
This is a guest post from Derek Leverington who is VP, Interactive with Brown Communications. He's also a professional musician, passionate about web technologies, and all around smart guy.  Read on to learn more...
Email Marketing 101
Email is sill an excellent platform to reach customers and an email address is the most valuable of any contact information. The trick is to make sure you are using email marketing effectively. Below are five tips regarding how to get the most out of your email efforts as part of your overall digital marketing strategy...
Website Strategy On A Shoestring Budget
Gone are the days when you could get by with a website built by your nephew in his basement.  The web has evolved considerably and people are now much more savvy regarding what looks amateur and what looks professional. There are complex technical issues and marketing forethought that goes into a well designed website strategy.  Knowing where to start and what to budget can make your head spin...
The Secret to Digital Marketing Success

"Fall down nine times, get up 10" is a saying that I have always tried to live by. If there's an obstacle in the way, it only makes me more determined to get through it.  If somebody says I can't do something, it only makes me want to prove them wrong. Maybe it’s the Saskatchewan work ethic I’m born with or the fact I’ve made a career in digital marketing based in Saskatoon (Not exactly a hotbed for digital expertise). But I like a challenge and the hardest person I have to impress is myself. I’m not a perfectionist but I believe there is always room for improvement...


Harley Rivet - Blog Author - Deep Dish Digital


I know what you’re thinking – What can a guy from Saskatoon know about digital marketing?

I’ve been working in the online space for twenty years, and promise the articles you find here aim to be informative and entertaining.