Deep Dish Blog


The Art of (Digital) Marketing: Augment Efforts
This is the second installment regarding posts that are inspired by the Art of Marketing Conference that I went to in Calgary on June 14th. This post focusses on the fact that online marketing isn't meant to replace traditional marketing but rather augment it...
The Art of (Digital) Marketing: Adopt Change
I recently attended the Art of Marketing Conference in Calgary featuring some terrific speakers that covered a number of topics relating to business and supposed "revolution" that the marketing industry is currently going through. After attending I'm convinced that the function of marketing is indeed going through a revolution in the Western World...
The New Dork: Remarkable Digital Marketing
Everybody talks about creating something viral and many try. Many fail. It's very difficult to predict what might work, but if it does work it's likely because it's remarkable. This post provides a video for that I think is remarkable and given it's received almost a million views many others must feel the same...
Five Best Content Practices for a Kick-Ass Blog
Blogs are increasingly popular and many have become amongst the web's most popular destinations (I.e Huffington Post, Mashable, PerezHilton). For organizations they represent a great way to showcase your expertise, engage with website visitors, and are an effective way to boost your visibility in search engines since blog posts are a source of fresh content that search engines are always hungry for. If you have a blog...


Harley Rivet - Blog Author - Deep Dish Digital


I know what you’re thinking – What can a guy from Saskatoon know about digital marketing?

I’ve been working in the online space for twenty years, and promise the articles you find here aim to be informative and entertaining.