Deep Dish Blog


Improving Your Online Website Presence
We recently did a webinar for Tourism Saskatchewan regarding website best practices and have posted the recording below. Your website is the most important marketing asset for attracting customers. Social platforms come and go, but your website will always be an asset you own. This webinar provides best practices for websites, shares affordable tools for […]
Conversion Rate Optimization for Ads & Websites
Marketers are facing reduced budgets but still need to hit targets. Increasing the conversion rate on any digital marketing initiative is the best way to reduce ad spend and gain new customers without a lot of extra effort. But, you know that already. So, here are the easiest ways to accomplish conversion rate optimization for […]
The Most Common Digital Marketing Mistakes
"Everybody is our customer" "Make more social posts" "We need [x marketing technology]" "Marketing is too unreliable" If you've heard or said any of the above, then you've experienced the onset of digital marketing failure. Don't worry, everybody's done it. I've experienced a fair share of digital marketing flops. Here's the most common digital marketing […]
The most overrated and underrated digital marketing tactics
There's a lot of things to consider when it comes to digital marketing. What works and what doesn't is constantly shifting. The most popular things to do are not always the best things to do. The most important thing is to keep the important thing the important thing. What that thing is will depend on […]


Harley Rivet - Blog Author - Deep Dish Digital


I know what you’re thinking – “What can a guy from Saskatoon know about online marketing? Also, that picture is a bit self-indulgent, buddy.”

But, just give me a chance. I’ve been working in the online space for twenty years, and promise the articles you find here aim to be informative and entertaining.