Category Marketing

The Best Social Media Tool You’re Probably Not Using

It's tempting for marketers and digital agencies to always want to make a big splash with their campaigns. They're always looking to grab onto the next big thing, become a sensation, and make an impact that will be remembered. The truth is, most marketing efforts make little difference yet cost a lot of money. This post explores how the best marketing tool is often right in front of your face. Learn how social media can take word of mouth marketing to a whole new level.
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How to Quickly Tell if You’re Good or Bad at Marketing

inbound-marketing We all have a tendency to put ourselves first. It's tough not to talk about yourself and how great you are. The problem is customers don't really care about you and what you're doing. They're a customer because you have something they need or want. So, get over yourself and start thinking about your customer first; It's the fundamental difference between being good or bad at marketing.

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